Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 3 | woensdag 15 januari 2025 11:18 uur | 7 bezoekers

Stanislaw treedt op in de Player

Aanstaande zaterdag openen we de avond voor de grootheid Daevid Allen bekend van o.a. Soft Machine.

The Rotterdam streetpoet Stanislaw Tremor is already active as a poet since 1980 and published his bundle ‘Te Commu Of Ni Ceren’. The dutch poetry of ST is compact, direct and to the point including a high no-nonsense level. It deals with selfrealisation, birth, dead, eternal love, heroineprostitutes and moral issues, God and the meaning of life.Musician Oscar Langerak  is since mid ‘90 active as gitarist/composer in bands like 1Lamp (indie), Killing Zoo (gothic), Flowers for a Lonely Soul (Folk) en Surely (Rock) and nowadays in the no-nonsense rock-band KEK ROX.
He once bought at night some printwork from ST and was struck by its content. He decided to put the poetry on music, and so it is done. In this setting they present themselves as


OPEN: 21.00

DE PLAYER > TOLHUISSTRAAT 107 BG  > KATENDRECHT > ROTTERDAMcheck www.stdsps.nl for contact details and mapping


Radar Eyes: A survey of hallucinogenic print making (USA)
at the 10th of may 1933 at the Opernplatz in Berlin
the German regime burned the books that didn't fit in their Kulturkammer
but this is not something on itself
The chinese and lots of times christians used this method to express
their dislike of certain content but we can also think of "Salman Rushdie and the muslims"
All these naughty bastards. 
DE PLAYER presents, 75 years later, 2 explicit poets on music and an exhibition of poster-printwork.
Daevid Allen, professor in Errorism, will be among us.
He's already on the move for 70 years presenting his way of thinking
he's known from Soft Machine and Gong but still going strong with his band University of Errors
and many other projects.
Stanislaw Tremor is our Rotterdam street poet
who's no nonsense poetry is set on music by Oscar Langerak
They will bring delightfull poetry based on reqal life.
Around 70 posters printed on paper and brought to us by our Chicago connection
will be exhibited all around the club
exclusively for that night.




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