Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
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Antenne Rotterdam



week 3 | woensdag 15 januari 2025 13:55 uur | 9 bezoekers

Rotterdam A to Z

M - Museums Part II

Museums – Part II


You didn’t think that one page would be enough to tell about the museums in Rotterdam did you?


The WereldMuseum: Located on the Mass, this World-themed museum focuses mainly on non-western cultures. It is, after all, non-western cultures, that had a greater impact on the city and its revival, so where is the love? Here!  2 interesting permanent exhibits are “Rotterdamers” – explored Rotterdam’s inhabitants throughout the 20th Century. Describes the lives of 10 Families that came to the city to help rebuild and populate it, and where their roots are today. Some really amazing facts about the city and the people who live in it (like that there are above 40% of Immigrants in the city). Another interesting permanent exhibition is “Reispalace” (Travel Palace) – showing hotel rooms that supposedly belong to people from different countries in the world, so through the little things like clothes, magazines etc… every one can see what’s important to different cultures.


The NAI – National Architecture Institute: A city that is so occupied with architecture will of course have a respected and invested center for the discipline. The NAI serves as a study center, archive, library, museum and more, and rightfully holds the title as the national institute. Located in the city center, it holds permanent and temporary exhibits all year long. It was built by the local Dutch architecture Joe Conen, and is one of the more famous institutes in Rotterdam.


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