Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 11 | woensdag 12 maart 2025 12:17 uur | 5 bezoekers

Thank you.. Stranger

I know you are out there

I should have let go

Ages ago

365 1\\"2 days

for some so long

how could I be so wrong?


I kept on falling

Until I felt like, I collapsed

Went on emotionless

through so much low

pain and depression

This is a true confession


Time moved on

Without me in it

Screaming but somehow the tears dried

Forgot about joy

Or happiness

Lost without to fight


Than a stranger passed along

Not knowing what was wrong

Surprised me with the feeling

Wherever it came from

That I can go on


Even not knowing what he did

Or wherever he will be now

Not knowing how this could be

Or if I would ever see him again


Letting me out

No longer in doubt

That there can be more

Than holding on to sore


I thank him for making me see

I found myself, you switched the key





laat dit veld leeg

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