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Antenne Rotterdam



week 9 | donderdag 27 februari 2025 08:05 uur | 5 bezoekers

Red Bull Air Race World Cup 2005

A breathtaking show is coming to town.

How high Red Bull can lift you up? For some who aren't really affected
by kinds of energy drinks, probably aren't bothered to concern. But
who's gonna ignore the coming god damn great event "Red Bull Air Race Netherland" which is gonna be organised in Rotterdam, Erasmus Bridge on 12 June 2005.

The Red Bull Air Race World Cup was first organised in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates in March. Rotterdam is the second location of the
tournament. The race will continue at following places

25.6. Air Race Austria, Zeltweg
10.7. Air Race Ireland, Rock of Cashel
07.08. Air Race United Kingdom, Longleat
20.8. Air Race Hungary, Budapest
8.10. Air Race San Francisco

The event is expected to appeared as an amazing performance of 8 best pilots of the world. Those acrobats will perform on the stage of air
with breathtaking soars to pass different obstacles. This is not only
a challenge for the competitors but also a fascinating show for watchers. The race contributes a remarkable role to make 2005 – Sport
year more interesting.



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