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Antenne Rotterdam



week 9 | donderdag 27 februari 2025 07:55 uur | 5 bezoekers

Dutch Royal Air Force and efforts to integrate

Integration, an issue is a lot mentioned lately on media. It now actually gets in the operation of some organisations.

With 12 air bases in The Netherlands, Dutch Royal Air Force employs about 11,000 personnels. Believe or not, only 5% of them are non-original Dutch while immigrants hold a large percentage in Dutch population. Dutch Royal Air Force has been undertaking a promotional campaign to inform and attract dutch people who are from many different cultures. Integration is the BIG idea behind the campaign. "Increasing non-native Dutch personnels up to 10% is our goal", said Marco Simons - Air Force human resource officer. "We believe people from diverse cultures have a lot qualities to serve Air Force and we have a lot to offer too", he added.
Since integration becomes a controversial issue which was recorded as almost ineffective efforts, their performance is worthy to encourage.

In order to reach the expected public, the campaign is programmed as open days on which it shows air bases, facility and the potential working opportunities.
Last Thursday (19 May 2005) was another open day for Asian community. That was actually the forth event in the range of open days. The three earlier events were organised for Marokkan, Turkish and Surinam communities.
The event drew a remarkable attention from Asian community, Chinese Radio, Volkskrant, Zan magazine, SingTao magazine and more.

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