Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 9 | donderdag 27 februari 2025 08:22 uur | 5 bezoekers

small things, good day

show same care

is evning now, im in barcelona in my hous. im thinkiing what im going to writing about. many ideas are passing in my mind, all kind of thinks. may be i will write about ´´ olimpic game in rotterdam, way not´´, but i decide to live it for another article. may be i will write about ´´ barcelona ten best places to came and see´´ but this idea go wite the wind. so like that , im seating and thinking and the articles goes as the came, very fast. im looking around the hous, on the table, the chairs, the walls, . i pass to look on the smalls things, are around. two bags, cup of coffe, pencil box, the switch of the ligth on the wall. i stop to looking around and stake on the flower vase and the flowers inside. now i know. i will write the article about the flowers, i mean, i will write about small things. they are beutiful flowers. im not going tom speak about botanic. those flowers, remanding me, with mall money we can by small gifts, on time at week or two or four, and make our couple, our family, our friend. or who we like, happy. the flowers cost me 1.50m euro. i bring them to my girl friend and to home, to creat a good ambient and to show that i care. ( who dont care, dont care to show that is caring). this small money, i spend some times on things, i dont need and not make any one happy.so i decide one time at a while, i will put unthill four euro to buy a small things, to make my girl friend , or to some one who deserve it. is amazing how many things we can bay from one to four euro, as a gift. ring in many colors, book, t shirt, earings, nice cupn shells, note book, neclless, hats, and mor and mor...................................

this smalls gifts show meanings like love and care. the refresh and alive the relations ships. before two weeks i buy to my girl friend, a boxs white butiful shells inside, that some one pick from the beach, it cost me 70 cents. this 70 cents came also to show that if i have million euro in my hand, i will happy to by a gift on 100.ooo euro. small presents we bring paint the day wite happy colors.

go and look. you will found in the town around, beutiful gifts, that you can buy, eith love and care, in very very small money, and paint yours relations ships with happy colors.

´´ the importent things in life dont cost, love, care, belive, friend ships, air....´´

yossi elkayam




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