Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 9 | donderdag 27 februari 2025 05:33 uur | 3 bezoekers

Iron hit doctor?

I'm waiting for my treatment at the 'Thiet tha' (literaly translated as iron hit) doctor, or better know as chinese bone doctor...

My left feet is killing me, its been painfull since this morning, I can hardly stand on my feet so my auntie took me to this 'Thiet tha' doctor. I had no idea what to espect from this... a massage doctor?

I'm waiting in a very small waitingroom with my feet on a wooden chair, the walls are covered with famous people who all have apparently been here for some treatments, than a young man (apparently he was such a doctor) asked me what I've done and where I had pain.  I've always imagined that such a doctors were old, weak and grey but this doctor was young, confident and strong.
I told him about the walk up and down the mountains on Lamma Island and that I couldn't stand proper on my feet anymore.
First, he slowly starts to massage my feet and than he suddenly pulled so hard that I screamed so loud that they must have even heard me outside. He told me that he had pulled my feet back into the place it belonged, it wasn't very badly damaged. Afterswards he puts my feet into a hot basket of warm water with herbs... 'the medicine has to take some time to soak into your feet' he said. I was still in shock.. whatever he had done, it worked, it didn't hurt that much anymore.

While I was soaking my feet in the medicines, he started to treat my aunties back, her back has been hurting her for some years. I didn't know what he did in the treatment room at the back since I couldn't move my feet but than after a while they came out. He lifted her while the other doctor (also a very young guy) was pulling her legs, they were stretching her back by pulling it apart? afterwards she had to lie down with her back onto his back while he lifted her from the floor and making small jumpy movements (its such a funny thing to see). I had never seen such a thing before! Whatever he did, this also worked, she felt totally relaxed afterwards.

Than when I thought it was done, he started to massage my feet again with some balsem, very painfull, 'don't be scared' he comforted me, but I did felt the difference very soon, than he put some warm medicines on a bandage and packed it around my feet. 'Come back tomorrow' he said 'and don't walk too much'. I was still astonished when I left the little place, amazed that they were so young, amazed how they treat people, but most of all, amazed that I was walking again !!!



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