Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 9 | vrijdag 28 februari 2025 12:45 uur | 7 bezoekers

One coin all over the world

Imagine: Denmark and Cambodia, United States and Congo, Somalia and Holland, Canada and Bangladesh, Africa and Europe. Imagine: the mega differences in economy and culture. Now, imagine all these countries using the same coin.

The world becomes global, a small village. From the sofa in my house in Barcelona, I can see on the TV what's happening in South Africa and Australia or in Brazil. I can see people in China or Marocco more than I see my own neighbours. By air plane I can be every where. By mail, I can get products from any where of the earth.

The world becomes one big market, when information and products passes from the west to the east of the world and from the north to the south of it, in a short time and by computers at seconds. It’s like you go and do your shopping from side to side, at the market in your own city. It is not any more necessary to have big armies to occupy countries in order to take their resources for the empire at the global world , nowadays. It is all about occupying markets of other countries, buy your products and not their lands. Since the world became one small village, one market, the armies changed by powerful systems of marketing, a good system of transport and a big system of advertising.

The rules are changed. It is not any more about human rights or religions, rights, or democracy, it is about economic rights, it is about one thing, money.

The new economy rules since the world became global, one world. The economy rules became the same for all the countries. But there are big differences among the strong economy countries of the west, and the very week countries of the third world

The differences between Scandinavia and Africa or United State and Bangladesh, are mega, enormous, economically and culturally. So the week countries can't and will never reach even half of the way of the west countries.

But if all over the world, all the countries will use the same coin it will be only one coin in the world. For example, at Holland and Somalia or Zaire and Canada will be the same coin. The economic of the week countries will be more strong, because their coin is as strong and if there is one coin at the world , it will be not a week coin, there is only one.

When the coin all over the world will be equal. the economy of the countries will be more equal. The people will be more equal, the cultures will be more equal. The world will be more equal, then it will became global and a small village. Then it will be not the third world and west world. It will be one world with normal differences. And when the people feeling equal there is no hate, not bad feelings, there is no TERROR.

Yossi Elkayam


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            [reactie] => We, the fat and wasted,  would still have more coins.

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Lee Lagerwal | 14 maart 2005

We, the fat and wasted, would still have more coins.


laat dit veld leeg

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