Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 4 | donderdag 23 januari 2025 23:19 uur | 1 bezoekers

The English Lab

ABC, its easy like 123.

ill be starting, an english edition about the different topics that are discussed on this website. english is, after all, a big part of the city ( nearly all the people i came accross in my time here could carry a converstation in english) ( which is more than i can say about alot of other cities in europe!) so if tourism is such a big part of europe in general, and you kinda gotta agree that english is the international tourist language (maybe its not fair, but thats how it is). so how come nobody speaks it in europe ? for instance: ive been to Paris, which almost every year is the city with the highest amount of tourists in the world . but still, every time you try to communicate ( and when i say communicate i mean trying to order a cup of coffee) the french will looked shocked and surprised that youre speaking english and that you dont know french. (usually gives you guilt feelings).
another example is Barcelona; plain and simple: not one person speaks english in barcelona, ill be surprised if there are ten who do in all of spain.

so hopefully, this will be a place where everybody can express their opinions, respond and discuss pretty much anything, but in english.

Making a long story short: lets talk in english a bit. not because you have to, but because you can.

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            [reactie] => Yes Shay, dank you well for your encouragement to write english. But, if you don't mind, I will continue in Dutch. Want dat is toch zoveel gemakkelijker for me. But now and then  zal ik er een netherlands word tussen gooien.
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cas | 28 februari 2005

Yes Shay, dank you well for your encouragement to write english. But, if you don't mind, I will continue in Dutch. Want dat is toch zoveel gemakkelijker for me. But now and then zal ik er een netherlands word tussen gooien.


laat dit veld leeg

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