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Antenne Rotterdam



week 3 | maandag 13 januari 2025 01:02 uur | 1 bezoekers

Ashes and snow

Rolf Versteegh attendeerde me op een film in sepia met enkel slomotionbeelden zonder trucage gemaakt waarin mens en dier in harmonie met elkaar. Vol verwondering heb ik gekeken naar de prachtige beelden. Onderdeel van de best bezochte reizende expositie ooit, en ik wist het niet.


ashes + snow = amazing exhibit, video and book


Verenigde Staten, documentaire, 63 minuten

geregisseerd door Gregory Colbert
met de stemmen van Laurence Fishburne en Ken Watanabe

De film resulteert uit het gelijknamige project Ashes and Snow. Dit is een continuerend project van fotograaf Gregory Colbert die met foto's, 35mm films, kunst installaties en korte verhalen de interactie tussen mens en natuur samensmelt. Colbert, die dieren natuurlijke meesterwerken noemt, heeft ervoor gekozen dieren in hun natuurlijke omgeving te filmen hiermee pogend de "stem" van het dier recht te doen. De film kan beschouwd worden als een artistiek werk of een poëtische veldstudie van mens versus natuur.


Ashes and Snow by Canadian artist Gregory Colbert is an installation of photographic artworks, films, and a novel in letters that travels in the Nomadic Museum, a temporary structure built exclusively to house the exhibition. The work explores the shared poetic sensibilities of human beings and animals. Ashes and Snow has traveled to VeniceNew YorkSanta MonicaTokyo, andMexico City. To date, Ashes and Snow has attracted more than 10 million visitors, making it the most attended exhibition by a living artist in history.


The films are poetic narratives, rather than documentaries. The full-length feature Ashes and Snow: The Film was edited by two-time Oscar-winner Pietro Scalia. It is narrated by Laurence Fishburne (English version), Enrique Rocha (Spanish version), Ken Watanabe (Japanese version), and Jeanne Moreau (French version). Narrations are forthcoming in Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, German, and Italian. Musical collaborators include Michael BrookDavid DarlingHeiner GoebbelsLisa GerrardLukas FossNusrat Fateh Ali Khan, and Djivan Gasparyan.Each exhibition consists of more than fifty large-scale mixed media photographic artworks and three film installations. The photographic artworks measure approximately 3.5 by 2.5 meters (11.5 x 8.25 feet). Each one is created using an encaustic process on handmade Japanese paper. The films include one 60-minute full-length 35mm film and two short "haiku” films. None of the photographic or film images have been digitally collaged or superimposed.

The title Ashes and Snow refers to the literary component of the exhibition—a fictional account of a man who, over the course of a yearlong journey, composes 365 letters to his wife. Fragments of the letters comprise the narration in the films. Ashes and Snow: A Novel in Letters by Gregory Colbert was first published in 2004.

Since 1992, Gregory Colbert has launched more than 60 expeditions to locations including IndiaBurmaSri LankaEgyptDominicaEthiopiaKenyaTongaNamibia, and Antarctica to film and photograph interactions between human beings and animals. Elephantswhalesmanateessacred ibisAntigone cranesroyal eaglesGyr falconsrhinoceros hornbillscheetahsleopards,African wild dogscaracalsbaboonselandmeerkatsgibbonsorangutans, and saltwater crocodiles are among the animals that he has filmed and photographed. Human subjects include Burmese monks, trance dancers, San people, and other indigenous tribes from around the world. To date, Colbert has collaborated with over 130 species.

The public debut of Ashes and Snow took place in 2002 at the Arsenale in Venice. The exhibition has since traveled in the Nomadic Museum to New York, Santa Monica, Tokyo, and Mexico City.

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