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Antenne Rotterdam



week 2 | zondag 12 januari 2025 13:08 uur | 0 bezoekers

Bloodgroup live @ Watt sat 19 dec '09

IJsland is een prachtig en mysterieus land waar mensen sinds jaar en dag in een soort afzondering leven. Daardoor heeft het zich op een hele unieke manier ontwikkeld. IJslandse artiesten hebben dan ook vaak een volkomen eigen stijl die bijna niet te vergelijken valt. Dit IJsland kwam naar Rotterdam!


Bloodgroup was formed in 2006 by Hallur, Lilja, Raggi and Janus during some chilly winter days on the east coast of Iceland. After a few months of writing noticeable and catchy electronic dance pop, the group played at Iceland Airwaves festival. They received praise for a great live show, along with their terrific melodies and beats that seemed to get even the harshest metal heads to dance. The group is now considered to be one of the best live acts in the current Icelandic music scene.


"This Icelandic quartet deal in glitchy new-rave pop, the kind that should, in theory, ensure they're snapped up to some cash-happy major looking for the next Klaxons by the time you read this. Their sweaty set in NASA reminds us of Hadouken! fronted by a younger, geekier Madonna. All their songs are about sex and riddled with filthy electro beats. They prove to be DiS's guilty pleasure."

Drowned in Sound.



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