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Antenne Rotterdam



week 11 | donderdag 13 maart 2025 18:43 uur | 8 bezoekers

Dear John

A love story that needs John Guidetti

Dear John,

Once upon a time there was a little girl who fell in love. I won't bother you with a lot of details, but it was her first and only true love. He was a hero, a best friend and made her feel at home. Like in every love story there were ups and downs and not everyone accepted the relationship, but still, he was the love of her life. And she was his.

On April 25 1999, at a very young age, he proposed to her. But her mom said she was too young to get married. She screamed and cried her eyes out, but she always listened to her mom (at that age).

So they didn't get married, but the relationship still stands today. This little girl I told you about is now a grown woman. And the boy is... well... still the one she fell in love with.

His name is Feyenoord.

The plan is to get married in one year. This time her mom won't hold her back. This time she will feel pure happiness. She doesn't need a pretty dress, an outrageous proposal or a big fat Dutch wedding. What she needs is for her fiancée to be there. And he cán be there. With you as his best man. And tens of thousands standing by his and your side. 

So dear John, please let Feyenoord show up at the Coolsingel next year, and let us live happily ever after.

With love,












(this story is partially based on true events)


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brian | 11 april 2015

Hij is Superrrr

Claire | 11 april 2015

Will you invite me?


laat dit veld leeg

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