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Antenne Rotterdam



week 5 | woensdag 29 januari 2025 07:00 uur | 1 bezoekers

Tonight 2nd Lecture Re-inventing Rotterdam

Tonight John Roberts presents his views concerning urban form and energy consumption in zaal Staal at Beurstraverse: sustainable urbanism.

See: www.airfoundation.nl for more information and reservation!

Op welke wijze kunnen de architectonische en stedenbouwkundige discipline en vakgemeenschap een bijdrage leveren aan de verduurzaming van de stad? AIR organiseert met uiteenlopende organisaties zoals de Academie van Bouwkunst Rotterdam een meerjarenprogramma.

The environmental issue is a source of inspiration for modernisation in architecture. Sustainability can lead to better buildings: more pleasant, more affordable, more attractive. Rotterdam aims to take the lead in reducing CO2 emissions and to enhance its reputation as a city of architecture. Reason enough to go in search of inspiring initiatives and promising innovation for the Rotterdam context. In conjunction with the Academie van Bouwkunst, AIR has invited three speakers of international renown working to promote sustainability in town planning and .

Tonight John Roberts, Sustainable urbanism,
19:30 zaal Staal, Beurstraverse.

John Roberts/Arup Energy: www.arup.com



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