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antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 11 | woensdag 12 maart 2025 05:20 uur | 9 bezoekers


The Dutch (language) that I know right now is all a product of self-study. It takes a lot of discipline, yes, but it also takes a good book.

I got interested in learning Nederlands when I went here for the first time in 2005. That was when I attended a three-month Broadcast Journalism course in Radio Nederlands Training Centre in Hilversum. I had a Dutch phrase book with me and watched a lot of Dutch television. Since I was watching "Will and Grace" then, the first Dutch word that stuck into my memory was homo.

But as I continued to watch with all the ondertitling, I learned more. Before the course was over, I already knew how to greet and thank in Dutch. Bedankt voor alles, I would write to the course organizers. I also learned how to count and around two hundred new words so I could travel without worries because I could understand what was written in the boards.

Sooner than later, I met a Nederlander. So studying Dutch was no longer a pasttime. I had to take the inburgeringsexamen, get a visa and fly here to be with my fiance'. So we started buying and borrowing study materials in my holiday here last year.

We got some study materials from a friend and a colleague's girlfriend who works at an inburgering centre. The first real book (I had interactive cd's and phrase books before it) I learned Nederlands from is the Ijsbreker. Then I also had Grammatica is niet moeilijk. En dat boek was moeilijk! I couldn't understand the reason why Dutch grammar should be like this or that. It was presented in such a difficult manner.

A friend lent me CODE Nederlands 1 and 2. The books were ok. But a little boring to my inquisitive nature. I just end up asking: "why is it like that?" all the time. Finally, browsing through the Nederlands als Tweede Taal website, we chanced upon TOTAAL - Basiscursus Nederlands voor Hogeropgeleiden. The book works.

I always recommend TOTAAL to fellow foreigners who are university/college graduates because I believe that it works. It answers all grammar questions that a new language learner of Nederlands ends up asking. Like when do you use dit, dat, die or deze? When do you use -e at the end of an adjective? Voorbeeld: it is het nieuwe huis BUT it can't be een nieuwe huis. It should be een nieuw huis. These all boils down to the significance of knowing when a word is a de or a het word.

There are much more complications in the Dutch grammar as de and het. Or else it wouldn't be popular as a difficult language. But I guess TOTAAL makes it easier to understand. After TOTAAL, I was also able to understand and finish Grammatica is niet moeilijk without difficulties. The only downside of this book that I noticed of is that it has HEEL VEEL oefeningen which most of the time are done in the same manner. But that's good for a beginner, especially for zelfstudie.

Nu ben ik op mijn volgende zelfstudie boek de Tweede Ronde. It is very interactive and very entertaining. The exercises come in a good variety. I can't wait to go further on this one. #

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            [reactie] => Hallo Chared we lezen je stukjes regelmatig.
Het is interessant om te zien hoe jij je verdiept in de nederlandse taal en dingen ziet waar wij eigenlijk geen idee van hebben. 
Wij zijn nu ook in een land waarvan we de taal totaal niet kunnen volgen en begrijpen hoe lastig dat is.
In het Deens komen overigens wel woorden voor die bijna overeen komen met het Nederlands maar de uitspraak is dan totaal anders.
Dus lezen is soms wel mogelijk maar spreken is abakadabra.
Groeten Ger en Ria
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Ger Verschuur | 27 juli 2007

Hallo Chared we lezen je stukjes regelmatig.
Het is interessant om te zien hoe jij je verdiept in de nederlandse taal en dingen ziet waar wij eigenlijk geen idee van hebben.
Wij zijn nu ook in een land waarvan we de taal totaal niet kunnen volgen en begrijpen hoe lastig dat is.
In het Deens komen overigens wel woorden voor die bijna overeen komen met het Nederlands maar de uitspraak is dan totaal anders.
Dus lezen is soms wel mogelijk maar spreken is abakadabra.
Groeten Ger en Ria


laat dit veld leeg

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