Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 11 | donderdag 13 maart 2025 20:29 uur | 7 bezoekers

500.000 euro verdienen met een groen idee?

Dit emailtje kon ik niet voor me houden. Ik weet zeker dat er Antenne lezers zijn die hier wel raad mee weten...
To whom it should concern:

Climate change is a real problem. We need to act, and we need to act now!

It's time to break free from our old, traditional approaches to solving the environmental issue. After all, our generation is all about creativity, innovation and out-of-the box, lateral thinking...aren't we?

This is the Picnic Green Challenge, fuelled by the Postcode Lottery.

We want you to sweat your creative brain - use all your expertise to find a tangible, real means of introducing a new green movement in our society.

We want everyone - from business entrepreneurs to advertising creatives, product developers to television executives and internet whizzes - to utilise their fields of expertise to find a product or service that will contribute to an eco-friendly lifestyle.
The best idea, presented on the last day of PICNIC'07, will win €500,000 in capital, coaching from leading entrepreneurs and a list of potential customers.

Who we are

The PICNIC Green Challenge is a unique collaboration of two parties: PICNIC and the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

PICNIC is a unique event that draws innovative, entrepreneurial types from all over the world to Amsterdam each year (the next one is 22-29 September 2007). It is an extraordinary melting pot of fields and industries, all at the forefront of innovation, technology and creativity.

The Dutch Postcode Lottery is an organisation that works for a greener, fairer world by supporting charities in the Netherlands and abroad.

We ask you to do three things:
1. Put our banner on your website or weblog.
2. Forward this message to all your friends.
3. Join the PICNIC Green Challenge and prove that things can be done differently!
Spread the word and help to solve the world's biggest problem!

The PICNIC Green Challenge team and some of its supporters:

Avery Baker, EVP, Global Marketing and Communications, Tommy Hilfiger
Job Cohen, Mayor of Amsterdam
Ellen Damsma, Managing Director, Dutch Postcode Lottery
Steve Howard, CEO, The Climate Group
Boudewijn Poelmann, Chairman and co-founder, Dutch Postcode Lottery
Marleen Stikker, co-founder, PICNIC, and Director, Waag Society
Liesbeth van Tongeren, Executive Director, Greenpeace Netherlands
Bas Verhart, co-founder, PICNIC, and CEO, Media Republicå


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