Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 4 | donderdag 23 januari 2025 23:29 uur | 1 bezoekers


Back in The Netherlands and back in Antenne Rotterdam. It's a NEW life!

Ik ben terug! Chared hier van de Filippijnen. Ik heb voor Antenne Rotterdam vorig jaar over mijn observaties in Nederland geschreven. Ik vind het fijn dat ik hier nog steeds kan schrijven over mijn ervaringen. Voor een nieuwe persoon in een nieuwe land, is het belangrijk bekende gezichten terug te zien. And for a Journalist like me, it is important that the writing continues. Antenne Rotterdam fulfills both needs.

I can't imagine myself not writing anymore. For one, there is a need for this generation to continue archiving events. It's good for our history. The next generation will then know how we lived as a people. It's important because you never know when the Earth will take its own course because of the way we're treating it at the moment. Maybe rivers and seas will soon overflow. We will be washed away but our stories will live on. Somehow, buried under the ground, it will be found.

Ok, that sounds so morbid. Not just SO. But VERY. Let's talk about something else. Something light that Journalism fulfills. I intend to practice this job because however cliche' it may sound, it can change the world. Maybe not in a day. But it does change a little something everyday.

I thought that thinking was already dead. From the country where I came from, Journalism is a well-practiced and sometimes abused profession. Many people (I don't want to call them Journalists) practice the profession because it leads them to fame and fortune. I took up Journalism because I wanted to get a front seat in the unfolding of history. Sounds a bit idealistic, I know.

But I got to talk to a colleague in Antenne and he just gave me another look at the profession I've been trying to practice ideally in the last decade. He didn't finish Journalism in school but wanted to practice it because "he wants to change the world." I'd say, his heart is in the right place if he wants to be a Journalist.

That made me realize that the idea of changing the world by Journalism is still alive. But to be able to reach more people in this new place with a whole new different language, ik moet eerst mijn Nederlands oefenen.#

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Rini | 12 juni 2007

Het lukt je aardig, Chared, succes !

Karim khaoiri | 12 juni 2007

Chared. welcome back again. Was verrast je te zien, maar ben blij dat je er weer bij bent en erbij blijft.


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