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Antenne Rotterdam



week 4 | donderdag 23 januari 2025 20:08 uur | 1 bezoekers

The Harlem Gospel Singers

The Harlem Gospel Singers - 15 years of celebration
Another rainy monday. But today is different. People don't mind a rain and are heading to New Luxor Theater in Rotterdam to see a breathtaking performance of 'Queen' Ester Marrow and her 'babies', The Harlem Gospel Singers & band. They came to us from America to present an extraordinary theater show.
Everything is prepared, people are seated when a first notes of piano are spread all over the hall. The singers show up, one after one in their beautiful robes. Their voices take you into other world, world full of love and happiness where 'gods angels' sing to comfort you. Ester as a group's mentor takes a front place and lead a group to show what they know the best- spiritually filles in the spare space in your heart . Doesn't matter if you are a christian, buddhist or faithless, the enthusiasm and confidence with which they move on the stage get the audience into the music and dance they perform. Throughout the show the Gospel Singers change their robes several times as well as a genres- sometimes you can hear blues, rock or soul along with angel's gospel notes. Whether in solos or accompanied with excellent band, Queen Ester and her 'babies' get audience out of their chairs and dance.
After two hours of divine show comes up a time for last song. This is a time for us to share a little bit of love and by standing ovations sing 'happy birthday' to Queen Ester. Tears in the eyes, smile on a faces and sore hands from clapping- that's how people are leaving. Right ahead to rainy, but lovely monday night.

Text by Erika Linhartova - Photo Martin Stacho


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